Is the universe is telling you to be with someone?

Sometimes, it can feel as if the universe is guiding us toward a particular person. These signs can be subtle or quite obvious, but recognizing them requires a combination of intuition, awareness, and reflection. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to discern if the universe is telling you to be with someone.

1. Synchronicities and Coincidences

Frequent Encounters:

  • Running into the same person repeatedly in different, unexpected places can be a sign. These chance encounters might be too frequent to be mere coincidences.

Shared Interests:

  • Discovering that you have numerous shared interests and values can feel like a nudge from the universe, suggesting compatibility and alignment in your life paths.

Meaningful Coincidences:

  • Experiencing coincidences that seem meaningful, such as hearing their name in conversations or songs, or seeing things that remind you of them frequently, can be significant signs.

2. Intuitive Feelings

Strong Gut Feelings:

  • A powerful intuitive feeling or gut instinct that you should be with someone can be a major indicator. This inner knowing often transcends logic and reason.

Sense of Peace and Rightness:

  • Feeling a deep sense of peace and certainty when thinking about being with the person can be a sign from the universe. If being with them feels natural and right, it’s worth paying attention to.

3. Dreams and Visions

Recurring Dreams:

  • Having recurring dreams about the person can be the universe’s way of communicating their importance to you. Pay attention to the emotions and scenarios in these dreams.

Visions and Daydreams:

  • Spontaneously envisioning a future with this person or frequently daydreaming about them can indicate a deeper connection orchestrated by the universe.

4. Emotional Resonance

Strong Emotional Reaction:

  • Experiencing a powerful emotional reaction when you think about or are around this person is significant. This can include feelings of love, joy, or a profound connection.

Unexplainable Comfort:

  • Feeling an unexplainable comfort and safety with the person, even if you haven't known them for long, can be a sign that the universe is aligning you together.

5. Signs and Symbols

Seeing Specific Symbols:

  • Noticing specific symbols that are meaningful to you in connection with this person can be a sign. This could be anything from seeing certain animals, numbers, or objects that have personal significance.

Messages in Media:

  • Receiving messages through songs, movies, or books that seem to directly relate to your situation with this person can be interpreted as guidance from the universe.

6. Inner Changes and Growth

Personal Growth:

  • If knowing or being with this person inspires you to grow, change, or become a better version of yourself, it can be a sign that they are meant to be in your life.

Positive Impact:

  • Noticing that your life improves in various ways when they are around, such as increased happiness, better decision-making, or a more positive outlook, can be significant.

7. External Affirmations

Support from Others:

  • Receiving unsolicited positive affirmations from friends, family, or even strangers about your connection with this person can be seen as a sign from the universe.

Smooth Progression:

  • When the relationship progresses smoothly and without major obstacles, it can feel like the universe is clearing the path for you to be together.


Recognizing if the universe is telling you to be with someone involves paying attention to synchronicities, intuitive feelings, dreams, emotional resonance, signs and symbols, inner changes, and external affirmations. Trusting your intuition and being open to the signs around you can provide clarity. Ultimately, the universe communicates in ways that resonate deeply with your inner self, guiding you toward what is meant to be.